Mastercard foundation in collaboration with the Ghana Enterprises Agency, Business Advisory Centre of Okere District Assembly launches the BIZBOX Project at the Okere District Assembly Hall.

This project seeks to empower the youth who want to study vocation in skills crafts person and provide them with start up support. There are modules or component of the Business in a Box(BIZBOX) and these are;

A2EAPPRENTICESHIP TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP is aimed at equipping people with technical/vocational and entrepreneurial skills. The focus is to train 75,000 unskilled young people and provide.

AA2E – AGRICULTURE AND AGRIC-BUSINESS TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP is aimed at equipping young people with technical/vocational and entrepreneurial skills. The focus is to train 125,000 unskilled young people as well as graduates from universities, Agric Colleges and Farm Institutes

MSME BUSINESS ACCELERATION is aimed at fast tracking the growth of small businesses in Ghana focusing on already existent women-owned/led businesses. The target for this component is 50,000. Through this intervention, the Project seeks to address barriers relating to Access to market and barriers to meeting standards.

SCP is aimed at skilled crafts persons who will be registered and also given the opportunity to train others.

Persons with Disability(PWDs) and women are the main focus of this intervention