Peace Corps Ghana is an NGO which is made up of Volunteers from the United States of America who generally serve in three capacity-building sectors namely agriculture, education and health. Ghana became the first country in the world to receive Peace Corps Volunteers dated back to August 1961. Volunteers acquire indigenous language skills while serving in Ghana. Volunteers live and work with residents of the community on locally driven initiatives, fostering relationships, sharing knowledge and cultures, and transforming lives for future generations.
On 21st of February,2024 a team of Peace Corps Volunteers visited the Okere District Assembly and the agenda for their visit was to introduce these volunteers to Local Governance in Ghana and the role of Central Administration Department. After the welcome address by the District Coordinating Director, there was brief overview on the history of the District, Decentralization concepts, Revenue generation(IGF and Common Fund) and initiatives towards poverty alleviations. Trainees or volunteers organized themselves into groups and designated to various units, rotating to another unit after the allotted time. This purpose of the rotation is to facilitate learning about the functions, challenges and potential areas of collaboration with Peace Corps Volunteers. These are the various Unit under Central Administration that were engaged in this exercise.